GPC Mint guide(Biz)
The process for corporate members to buy eGold and mint GPC is the same as for personal members. The differences are in signing up on the BDAN-CENGold app and depositing currency for trading. Below is a description of the sign-up and deposit process for corporate members. Please contact anytime if you need assistance.
How Enterprise Can Sign Up and Use the BDAN-CENGold App
1. Business Account Registration
1) Submit Application and Required Documents via Email (
2) Required Documents:
Certificate of Business registration
Certificate of Incorporation
Corporate seal certificate
Copy of the CEO’s ID
Copy of the company’s bank account
Authorized trader information
Copy of the authorized trader’s ID
Employment certificate of the authorized trader
3) After administrator approval, ID/PW and private key for the account will be sent via email or SMS.
2. Deposit (Incoming Funds)
1) Business corporate accounts are currently available, allowing deposits of e-Gold or cash into the business wallet.
① Purchasing e-Gold by confirming the price with an invoice
(CENGold processes it via official documents or invoices.)
The transaction amount and fee (1.0% + VAT) are determined based on the closing price of e-Gold on the request date and communicated via official documents.
② Depositing cash into the Korda account
(Credder processes it via official documents.)
KRW is deposited into the business account, and the user can then purchase e-Gold directly.
Transaction fees:
Quote-based trading : 0.3% + VAT
Standard price trading : 1.0% + VAT
2) Deposit confirmation via Korea Gold Exchange Digital Asset’s KB Kookmin Bank account.
3) Purchased e-Gold or KRW is deposited into the business member's wallet, and a confirmation SMS is sent.
4) Trading is now available.
3. Withdrawal (Outgoing Funds)
1) Request KRW withdrawal via an official document.
2) KRW is processed for withdrawal from the business member’s wallet and deposited into the registered business bank account (D+1).
Last updated